Blackburne House



Blackburne House Andrea Rushton

Andrea RushtonAndrea has worked at Blackburne House for 12 years, 8 of which have been part of the Executive Leadership Team.

Prior to joining Blackburne House, Andrea was a successful social entrepreneur within the environmental field. More recently in Blackburne House Andrea managed the assets, a successful portfolio of projects and a range of social business areas that all contributed to supporting our education work. Known for her ability to transform enterprise and project ideas into meaningful business operations, Andrea has a proven track record in delivering social and economic change and improvement.

Previous Principals/CEOs
Anne McColl

Anne McCollAnne has over 25 years of successful senior leadership and is committed to achieving social change through values-based partnerships and accelerating opportunities and initiatives that address inequities faced by women. Prior to joining Blackburne House, Anne spent 12 years as the Director of Education for the UK body of a worldwide humanitarian charity. Anne is responsible for the strategic direction of the Blackburne House Group and, believing in the life-changing power of education and self-development, is working to ensure the organisation continues to be a leading social enterprise and an empowering centre of education and wellbeing for women.

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