Borders College



Borders College Pete Smith

Pete SMithPete’s contribution to further education began in 2004 with a senior position at Edinburgh’s Telford College. He then joined Borders College as a Vice Principal from 2007 to 2018 before undertaking a similar role at North East Scotland College from 2018 until appointment to his current role in September 2022. Prior to joining the further education sector, Pete spent 15 years in local government, working in both corporate finance and delivering a range of education support services.

Pete currently serves on the Colleges Scotland College Sector Finances Committee and the Good Governance Steering Group. He also undertakes non-executive director and trustee roles for external bodies, currently Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges (APUC) and Live Borders.

Pete’s priorities are to ensure the College delivers the education and skills necessary to support economic growth in the Scottish Borders and beyond, as well as drive forward the innovative and creative partnerships and developments that will ensure that our economy is both inclusive and sustainable.

Building on the foundation of education and learning opportunities in the community, Pete is focused on the vision of ensuring that local partnerships with our schools are effective, that the concept of lifelong learning thrives within the Scottish Borders, and that Borders College plays a key role in delivering this.

Pete is clear that the enrichment of the student experience is essential to a successful college and is a process that is continual. Through self-evaluation and reflective practices Borders College will continue to respond to the ever-changing needs of the diverse student population.

The concept of the College as a community anchor is one that Pete feels very strongly about and is something that he is determined to ensure is recognised across the Region.

Previous Principals/CEOs
Angela Cox

Angela Cox1Angela has worked in FE for over 20 years and was previously Deputy Principal (Quality & Transformation)at The City of Liverpool College before joining Borders College as Principal. Before joining the FE sector Angela worked within the Service Industries Sector in the UK and USA and joined Bournemouth & Poole College as a lecturer and progressed into a number of middle and senior leadership roles during her time there.

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