Building Crafts College



Building Crafts College Facebook 2020 Selena Bolingbroke

Selena BolingbrokeSelena recently joined the College in June 2023. She has worked across higher and further education, central and local government in leadership roles that have combined her interests in partnership, education and enterprise. Her previous appointments include Lead for External Engagement & Strategic Development, Goldsmiths, University of London; Pro Vice-Chancellor Strategic Planning & External Development, University of East London; Director of the Local Strategic Partnership for Thurrock; & Education and Skills Lead for the Thames Gateway Strategic Executive in the former Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

Previous Principals/CEOs
David Dowdles

David DowdlesThere is no biographical profile of the Principal on the College's website. This one is from the Carpenters’ Company's website.

David graduated from Glasgow University with a Masters in Modern Languages, having earlier considered pursuing studies in Music or Law. From university he joined the Scottish Tourist Board in the run up to Glasgow being European City of Culture and was sent on a fact-finding mission to Berlin. A chance encounter on the flight home resulted in a move to the Far East, where he was involved in the setting up of a school in partnership with a Swiss college. It was during the first inspection visit by the Swiss director that David met his future wife, Chino, the official interpreter, fresh from returning to Japan after finishing her degree at Nottingham University.

On his return to Glasgow, David became a lecturer in Languages and Business at what is now Glasgow Caledonian University before being appointed Director of Communications and then Deputy Head with responsibility for admissions at a British boarding school. He continued a headship career at leading public schools in the UK before moving into international education and taking up the helm at Markham College in Lima, Peru, and thereafter at Ecole des Roches in France. As Director-General of Markham – a co-educational school of 2,300 students and 400 staff across two campuses on the outskirts of Lima - David led the College through a period of significant change and growth.

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