Carmel College



Carmel College Facebook 2020 Janet Gater

Janet GaterJanet took up post as Principal in August 2023 when she also became an ex officio member of the Governing Body. Janet has had a long and varied professional background at Carmel College, where she has been a teacher, Head of Department, Assistant Principal and Vice Principal.

Previous Principals/CEOs
Mike Hill

Mike HillThere is no biographical profile of the Principal on the College's website. This detail is from the 2016 on the Saint Helens Star website.

Rob, who has been at the helm for 14 years, will be hand the baton over to Mike Hill, who has been appointed as his successor.

Mike Hill is currently the deputy principal at Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College and has already visited Carmel several times since his appointment.

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