Coleg Gwent



Coleg Gwent Nicola Gamlin

Nicola Gamlin

This biographical profile is from the 2024 appointment article.

Nicola has served for 16 years as Vice Principal at Coleg Gwent, where she has led on developing the broad curriculum and quality of provision. With a wealth of experience and a proven track record in educational leadership, Nicola is dedicated to building on the success of college.

In addition to her 21 years of senior leadership experience, Nicola has worked in further education for 32 years including roles as a teacher, course leader, and head of school. Nicola has taught computing, IT, mathematics and business at various levels, from Level 1 to A Level, GCSE, Higher Education and professional courses. Due to her vast experience, she has a good understanding of how different parts of the college operate, bringing extensive knowledge of the sector.

Nicola has a Masters in Education, is a qualified teacher and is a trained Estyn Peer Inspector.

Previous Principals/CEOs
Guy Lacey

Guy LaceyGuy has over 35 years’ experience of teaching and management in both the secondary and further education sectors and was appointed as Principal and Chief Executive of Coleg Gwent in April 2016. In his previous role as Deputy Principal (External Engagement), Guy was responsible for developing the College’s external partnerships and commercial activities, making strong, strategic relationships across the sector. Guy has worked as an examiner for the University of Cambridge examinations syndicate and has been a peer Inspector with ESTYN for over ten years. He is Chair of Colegau Cymru and was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant of Gwent in 2021. Guy will be retiring at the end of the 2023-24 academic year.

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