Connell Sixth Form College



Connell Sixth Form College Emma Soper

Emma SoperThere is no biographical profile of the Principal on the College's website . This detail is from the LinkedIn profile.

Head of College, Aug 2021-Present · 3 yrs

Assistant Principal Curriculum and Quality, Apr 2019-Aug 2021 · 2 yrs 5 mos

Director of Faculty (& Maths SLE), Aug 2014-Apr 2019 · 4 yrs 9 mos

Previous Principals/CEOs
Jane Hopcroft

Jane HopcroftThere is no biographical profile of the Principal on the College's website. This detail is from the 2015 appointment article on the Bright Futures Educational Trust's website.

Jane started her new role as Head of College at Connell Sixth Form College this week. She joined Connell Sixth Form College in August 2015 from Aquinas College, in Stockport, where she previously guided departments through curriculum development and quality improvements in her role as Faculty Head. As Head of College Jane is thrilled to be leading Connell through the many challenges that currently face post-16 academic education. Originally a banker, Jane switched to teaching Business Studies and Economics in the early 1990s. Having gained experience across the Secondary, FE and Sixth Form College sectors, Jane has a wealth of experience of working with individuals, departments and across college to develop learning, teaching and assessment. Jane has spent time working at University of Manchester as a lecturer in teacher training and is particularly interested in developing the skills and expertise of trainee teachers and those recently qualified.

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