Derby College



Derby College Mandie Stravino

Mandie StravinoIn December 2017, Mandie was appointed to the Further Education Principals’ Reference Group. Its purpose is to support, challenge and advise the FE Commissioner in his role and contribute to the department’s policy development work affecting colleges in the FE sector.

Mandie has hosted some high profile visitors including HRH Princess Anne, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for Education and the Minister of State for Apprenticeships and Skills.

Mandie holds a variety of non-executive/representative roles, on the following boards: CBI Regional Council, Opportunity Area Board – Derby City, Derby Renaissance Board, Derbyshire Economic Partnership, Contest Gold (CT) Group, Metro Strategy Board – Derby City and Nottingham City, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Collaborative Outreach Programme (DANCOP) Governance Board, Midlands Engine Skills Group and the AoC National Quality Policy Group.

Mandie has a diverse leadership portfolio, in both the private and public sectors, has acquired significant experience in Further Education, both within colleges and an IPT and has a proven track record of leading strategic advancement resulting in financial, service and standards turnaround.

Mandie holds an MBA from Nottingham Business School – NTU and is currently studying at Said Business School – Oxford University, on the Further Education Strategic Leadership Programme.

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