East Surrey College



Eas Surrey College Lindsay Pamphilon

Lindsay PamphilonLindsay has taken a lead role in strategically directing two colleges, implementing curriculum design and innovation, ensured quality and lead and maintained student experience during a significant period of change. Highly experienced in all aspects of senior and executive management in further and higher education for over 10 years across general FE and land-based.

Skilled in Curriculum design and management, Coaching, Executive Coaching, People Management, Quality Improvement and Assurance, and Staff Training and Delivery. Lindsay is a graduate from Said Business School, University of Oxford and has completed the CEO and Principal programme with the ETF.


Previous Principals/CEOs
Jayne Dickinson

Jayne DickinsonJayne commenced as Chief Executive of Orbital South Colleges on 1 February 2019, while still retaining the role of Principal at East Surrey College which she has held since January 2012. Her career has included over ten years in senior management in Further Education as well as lecturing experience in both Further Education and Adult & Community Learning.

Jayne has lived and studied in Germany as well as the UK and taught business, humanities, ESOL and languages. She has significant experience as an external verifier for OCN, as a Cambridge examiner throughout the south-east and is an experienced College Leadership and Management reviewer having worked through AOSEC and EQR. Jayne’s career has also included several years in the NHS as a Deputy Hospital Manager in Bath, marketing for a training and recruitment management consultancy and the running of a successful franchise business

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