Edinburgh College



Edinburgh College Audrey Cumberford

Audrey CumberfordAudrey is a graduate of many world-leading UK Universities, including Oxford University’s Said Business School. Having graduated from Edinburgh, Audrey moved to Bristol University to undertake research within the field of sports psychology. Following this, she left the University sector and moved into private industry before returning to the education sector where she has held senior roles for the past 24 years.

Before her current role, Audrey led and delivered a large-scale, £70m merger resulting in the formation of West College Scotland. Audrey’s reputation as a visionary innovator has resulted in her holding several high-profile national positions such as Board member of the Scottish Funding Council (responsible for £1.8billion funding for colleges and universities) and the Scottish Government’s Enterprise & Skills Strategic Board – responsible for improving the overall performance of the economy by ensuring that the whole Enterprise and Skills System, with a combined budget of over £2billion, delivers Scotland's Economic Strategy. In May 2022, Audrey was appointed by the Scottish Government to the National Strategy for Economic Transformation Delivery Board.

In addition, Audrey represented Scotland on the UK’s first Independent Commission on the ‘College of the Future’, Chaired by Sir Ian Diamond. In 2020, Audrey, along with Paul Little published the ‘Cumberford-Little Report’, commissioned by Scottish Government Ministers to consider the economic impact of colleges.

Audrey’s career has spanned both the private and education sectors and underpins Audrey’s passion and drive to ensure tertiary education in Scotland plays a fundamental role in supporting businesses across the country - embedding a symbiotic relationship between the business community and Scotland’s colleges as providers of vocational and technical education, business support and skills training.


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