John Ruskin College



John Ruskin College Lindsay Pamphilon

Lindsay PamphilonLindsay has taken a lead role in strategically directing two colleges, implementing curriculum design and innovation, ensured quality and lead and maintained student experience during a significant period of change. Highly experienced in all aspects of senior and executive management in further and higher education for over 10 years across general FE and land-based.

Skilled in Curriculum design and management, Coaching, Executive Coaching, People Management, Quality Improvement and Assurance, and Staff Training and Delivery. Lindsay is a graduate from Said Business School, University of Oxford and has completed the CEO and Principal programme with the ETF.

Previous Principals/CEOs
Kevin Standish

Kevin StandishThere is no biographical profile of the Principal on the College's website. This one is from Kevin's LinkedIn profile.

Experienced senior leader with a demonstrated history of working in the education sector. Skilled in Coaching, Lecturing, Event Management, Curriculum Development, Strategic Change and Team Building. Strong education professional with a Post Graduate Certificate in Education focused in Further Education from University of Greenwich, International Business degree from the University of Brighton and a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

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