Sheffield College



Sheffield College Angela Foulkes

Angela FoulkesAngela Foulkes is an experienced further and higher education practitioner with an excellent understanding of the regulatory requirements of both Ofsted and the Office for Students, safeguarding, awarding bodies, and validating partners.

Angela’s wealth of experience, knowledge and expertise in further education includes significant knowledge across a broad range of curriculum and student support services gained in over 30 years in the sector and at colleges in London, the South East, the North West, and South Yorkshire.

A former teacher, Angela has held posts at all levels in curriculum structures including Director of Skills and Employability, Assistant Principal Pastoral and Support, Vice Principal Students, Vice Principal Curriculum and Support and Group Director for Safeguarding and EDI.

Angela is a Trustee of The Sheffield UTC Multi-Academy Trust, a Board Director at the Association of Colleges, a Member of the South Yorkshire Combined Authority Business Advisory Board, Chair of the Sheffield Skills and Employability Board, Co-Chair of the South Yorkshire Skills Advisory Board and a Governor at Sheffield Hallam University, among other civic roles.

Angela lives in Sheffield, enjoys cycling, running, gigs and the theatre and is proud to be a part of The Sheffield College.

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