University College Isle of Man



University College Isle of Man Jesamine Kelly

Jesamine KellyThis biographical profile of the Principal is from the 2022 appointment article.

Jesamine Kelly has taken the reins as University College Isle of Man’s (UCM) new principal, returning to the Island after an exciting academic career in the UK.

After completing her studies at Castle Rushen High School, Jesamine began her relationship with UCM back in 1991, where she studied an Art and Design Foundation course.

Jesamine added an Illustration degree, Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), Master of Arts (MA) degree in Sequential design, Master in Education (Med) in Professional Practice in Higher Education, and a Level 5 Leadership and Management Diploma to her list of qualifications.

The former graphic designer started her career in education as a lecturer in 2008 and progressed to hold a number of key management and director roles at Southport College., including assistant principal.

Previous Principals/CEOs
Jo Pretty

Jo PrettyThere is no biographical profile of the Principal on the College's website. This detail is from the 2016 appointment article on the Isle of Man Government's website.

Jo Pretty moves to the Island from Lowestoft College, which she has headed for two years.

Jo spent 17 years in the private and public sector, with roles in the NHS, utilities, engineering and manufacturing and recruitment. She owned and ran a design and steel fabrication company.

She joined education as a higher education lecturer and moved into adult education, then qualified as a secondary school teacher before switching to her current field of further education and skills.

As Head of School at City College, Norwich, she had strategic leadership of a £10 million portfolio comprising engineering, construction, business, creative arts, retail and enterprise.

During her time there, Jo engaged with sector skills academies, was on a regional employers’ board and helped found and run Norwich Fashion Week.

Jo then studied in the United States learning new approaches for embedding entrepreneurship within education.

In 2014, she was appointed interim and then permanent Principal and CEO at Lowestoft College, which has a £15 million budget. The college now boasts improved success rates and apprenticeships.

Jo volunteers with the Aspire Changemaker programme, currently mentoring for a business start-up in the States. She is married to Graham, an artist, and has two grown-up children.

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