Woking College



Woking College Brett Freeman

Brett FreemanBrett has been Principal of two sixth form colleges and a Head of Sixth Form in a school and has been teaching for 30 years. He has taught Sociology, Psychology, Politics, RE, PE, Geography, Law and Philosophy at various points in his career. He has been an Ofsted inspector, Chair of the S7 Principals group for the sixth form colleges in the South East of England (S7). He has served as a Governor/Trustee in four different schools and is currently Chair of Governors at the local primary school in his home village.

As an educator Brett is passionate about making a difference by creating opportunities for all students – in the comprehensive-style setting of Woking College – to progress their knowledge, skills and wider learning so they can generate the widest set of choices in life – for the benefit of themselves and the world around them. The one standard he sets for the educational professionals around him is for them to treat the College students as they would wish their own child to be treated and that is in terms of wider values, behaviours and attributes, not just in respect to their educational progress.

Outside of College Brett’s interests are eclectic, enjoying music, learning the guitar, cycling, playing and coaching football and basketball, trying to support Nottingham Forest, reading – mostly philosophy and economics – but feeling at his very best high up a mountain in the sunshine.

Brett’s partner is French, perhaps reflecting his internationalist outlook; he is father to a 13 year old son and 11 year old daughter and learns more from them every day just how wrong he is about most things.

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