Stamford College Inspection Recommendations

Stamford College

2019 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Leaders and managers need to rapidly improve the proportion of learners who pass their qualifications by ensuring that:
    • significantly more learners achieve the high-grade passes that their prior attainment suggests they are capable of, rather than just passing their qualifications
    • teachers and managers closely monitor the progress of learners and intervene appropriately when learners fail to meet their deadlines
    • managers support teachers to improve their teaching practice quickly so that more learners stay at college and enjoy their learning
    • learners of all ages attend their classes.
  • Improve the monitoring of learners’ next steps to better understand the impact courses have on the lives and future careers of learners.
  • Provide good-quality careers advice for learners so that they can make informed and timely choices about their next steps.
  • Ensure that learners with high needs develop their independent living skills to enable them to participate fully in college life and their community.

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that governors provide a robust challenge to leaders and that governors monitor effectively any areas of underperformance.
  • Improve teaching, learning and assessment by:
    • making sure that key findings from internal assessments of the quality of teaching and learning inform meetings at all levels of the organisation and lead to appropriate improvement actions
    • ensuring that observations of teaching, learning and assessment focus sufficiently on learners’ progress from their starting points and the impact on outcomes for learners
    • training and developing teachers to improve their use of target setting so that they challenge learners to excel
    • training and developing teachers to improve the quality of their feedback so that learners understand fully what skills and knowledge they need to improve.
  • Improve the effectiveness of management actions by:
    • extending the level of analysis and evaluation of the adult learning provision
    • monitoring more closely managers’ judgements at all levels in the college.
  • Improve attendance of learners by:
    • clarifying expectations at the beginning of the year with staff and learners and taking swift action as soon as learners miss any lessons
    • building on existing strategies and ensuring that all teachers follow them consistently.
  • Improve the progress that learners make, given their starting points, by:
    • ensuring that all teachers record learners’ progress in a regular and timely fashion
    • ensuring that managers receive accurate and timely reports of learners’ progress and take actions to ensure swift improvement where learners are falling behind.

2011 Full Inspection Report
What does Peterborough Regional College need to do to improve further?
  • Share the highly effective practice in promoting good progress for young learners at advanced level in highly performing subjects with the few subjects where these learners do not consistently meet or exceed expectations compared to their prior attainment.
  • Monitor the progress of learners at pre-foundation level closely to ensure that improvements put in place to increase their achievement are fully successful.
  • Improve the small minority of unchallenging lessons by supporting teachers to increase the pace and the level of challenge and by ensuring the full engagement of learners.
  • Provide work experience opportunities for more full-time learners by drawing on the good practice from other subject areas and by making more use of the excellent partnership arrangements with employers.
  • Provide staff development to ensure that the learning targets are specific and sharply focused on actions to improve learners’ achievement.
  • Increase the rigour in the evaluation of measures of learners’ progress, drawing on all relevant sources of evidence and using these to inform self-assessment fully.

2009 Full Inspection Report
What does the college need to do to improve further?
  • Further reduce the gap in achievement by some minority ethnic groups, particularly adult students on foundation programmes.
  • To measure more effectively all of the progress and impact made through the college’s implementation plans by ensuring all targets and timescales are consistently sharp and detailed.
  • To ensure the views of all groups of students are captured and analysed comprehensively to provide a firm basis for evaluation and planned improvement. The college also need to give a higher priority to the views of different groups of students through its self-assessment process and report.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • success rates for adults on level 1 programmes
  • success rates for most minority ethnic heritage groups
  • the use of initial assessment in the planning of teaching and learning
  • the monitoring and evaluation of the quality of individual learning targets and effectiveness of tutorials
  • the compliance with equalities legislation and promotion and monitoring of equality of opportunity.

2004 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • levels of student retention on many courses
  • teaching methods to stretch students
  • use of targets to monitor and improve student performance
  • analysis at a college-wide level to improve the curriculum and overall standards.

1999 Full Inspection Report
