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Record Retention Schedule

Accounting & Finance Retention Period
Annual Audit Reports and Financial Statements Permanent
Tax Exemption Documents and Related Correspondence Permanent
Tax Returns Permanent
Annual Audit Records, including work papers and other documents that relate to the audit 7 years
Annual Plans and Budgets 7 years
Bank Statements and Cancelled Cheques 7 years
Staff Expense Reports 7 years
Tax bills, receipts and statements 7 years
Any Interim Financial Documents 7 years
Corporate Documents Retention Period
Policies Permanent
Procedures Manuals Permanent
Corporate Records Retention Period
Minutes Permanent
Record and Articles of Incorporation Permanent
Annual Reports Permanent
Licenses and Permits Permanent
Correspondences & Internal Memoranda Retention Period
Correspondences and memoranda pertaining to or in support of documents detailed elsewhere in the Schedule Comply with the retention period of the principal document
Correspondences and memoranda pertaining pertaining to non-routine matters or having significant lasting consequences Permanent
Routine emails, letters, notes, and cards 5 years
Routine plans for meetings 5 years
Emails and letters requesting specific action such as as a change of address 5 years
Personal Data Retention Period
Data regarding use of this website, including an IP address, geographical location, browser, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths etc. 5 years
Data provided on subscribing and any subsequent profile data held on this website 2 years
Data provided for subscribing to email notifications and newsletters  2 years
Any other personal data sent via the contact form 2 years
Insurance Records Retention Period
Certificates Issued to Digital Operations Group Permanent
Claims Files (including correspondence, medical records, etc.) Permanent
Insurance Policies Permanent
Legal Files & Papers Retention Period
Court Orders Permanent
Contracts, contract proposals, supporting documents and all related correspondence 7 years after expiration or termination
Legal Memoranda and Opinions 7 years after expiration
Miscellaneous Materials Retention Period
Content of historical value Permanent
Manuals Permanent
Staff Records Retention Period
Employee Records including initial application form, attendance record, job record, performance evaluations, completed training record and employment termination record 7 years
Employment Contracts 7 years
Any correspondence with Employment Agencies and published vacancy advertisements 7 years
Contact us about this Schedule

Email: jed.keenan@collegewebsites.ac.uk

Phone: 020 8528 3135
