August 2019 Alexa Rankings in Order reCAPTCHA demo: Simple page

August 2019 Alexa Rankings in Order

FE/6F/AE Colleges, 1st August 2019 (Above 49,999)   Order Mar. Alexa UK Rank Mar.   Order Apr. Alexa UK Rank Apr.   Order May. Alexa UK Rank May   Order June Alexa UK Rank June   Order July Alexa UK Rank July   Order Aug. Alexa UK Rank Aug.
City of Bristol College 61st 26,380 61st 25,291 93rd 42,603 166th 69,063 22nd 16,250 1st 6,228
Glasgow Clyde College 1st 6,041 2nd 5,817 4th 9,032 3rd 7,131 4th 8,313 2nd 7,096
City of Glasgow College 2nd 6,114 1st 5,053 1st 7,498 1st 4,603 1st 3,779 3rd 7,940
West College Scotland 107th 42,226 102nd 39,795 131st 60,158 55th 25,551 21st 16,159 4th 9,431
College of North West London 150th 60,371 95th 37,674 150th 71,044 56th 25,891 81st 36,577 5th 9,798
Barking & Dagenham College 146th 58,742 82nd 33,519 106th 45,385 100th 40,635 76th 35,781 6th 11,199
Belfast Metropolitan College 50th 23,822 37th 19,471 14th 14,696 16th 13,551 17th 14,277 7th 11,838
Newham Sixth Form College 257th No data 25th 15,236 45th 24,916 33rd 19,134 15th 13,937 8th 12,204
City Literary Institute 10th 13,263 9th 10,523 5th 9,499 10th 11,686 9th 11,051 9th 13,156
New City College 123rd 46,110 106th 41,895 147th 68,855 151st 61,043 115th 44,514 10th 13,623
South Staffordshire College 7th 11,397 15th 12,972 33rd 22,081 8th 11,483 8th 10,746 11th 13,720
Brighton, Hove & Sussex Sixth Form College 22nd 16,495 23rd 14,637 10th 13,421 14th 12,382 5th 8,991 12th 15,977
Sheffield College 59th 26,141 104th 40,608 180th No data 115th 45,687 104th 43,015 13th 16,151
Bradford College 8th 11,453 12th 12,111 17th 16,113 11th 11,781 13th 13,346 14th 17,481
Edinburgh College 4th 7,435 8th 10,306 9th 12,064 2nd 6,529 2nd 5,283 15th 18,168
South Tyneside College 24th 16,550 66th 26,856 50th 26,522 32nd 19,126 31st 19,266 16th 18,935
Stanmore College 319th No data 354th No data 385th No data 404th No data 110th 43,634 17th 24,302
Walsall College 177th 71,768 231st No data 172nd 89,954 261st No data 108th 43,499 18th 31,809
Workers' Educational Association 40th 20,431 14th 12,326 35th 22,630 38th 20,313 39th 22,292 19th 34,263
Leicester College 101st 38,897 63rd 25,580 107th 45,389 126th 52,586 163rd 64,949 20th 37,703
Hartpury College 34th 19,071 11th 11,207 18th 16,326 6th 10,035 23rd 16,893 21st 37,708
Warwickshire College Group 42nd 20,855 3rd 5,846 2nd 7,600 4th 7,235 3rd 6,049 22nd 38,352
City of Liverpool College 73rd 30,517 93rd 37,019 90th 41,137 59th 27,155 101st 42,783 23rd 45,131
Bridgend College 84th 33,326 211th No data 88th 40,675 62nd 28,987 27th 18,230 24th 47,511