What does York College need to do to improve further?
- Take action to improve the quality of education in GCSE English and ensure that the proportion of learners who achieve a grade 4 or higher improves.
- Ensure that feedback following assessments of learners’ and apprentices’ work makes it clear to them what they need to do to improve their work and make progress.
- Ensure that the attendance of learners continues to improve, particularly where it remains low, such as on a few adult learning courses and on GCSE English and mathematics courses.
- Take swift and effective action to deal with any further incidents of inappropriate behaviour of learners and ensure that all learners behave well and are respectful to their peers.
What does York College need to do to improve further?
- Take swift action to reverse the low success rates on foundation and intermediate qualifications in English and mathematics, so that students on those courses achieve to the same high standards as students in the rest of the college.
- Improve the quality of the few lessons that require improvement by ensuring that tutors make better use of all of the available information about students to plan learning to meet individual needs.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- low success rates at levels 1 and 2
- low success rates in key skills
- insufficiently well developed strategies to improve success rates
- slow progress in improving the management of key skills.
What should be improved
- management and implementation of key skills provision
- quality of teaching and learning in some curriculum areas
- some aspects of cross-college quality assurance
- pass and retention rates on level 2 provision
- management at course level
- availability of information and learning technology (ILT) for staff and students.