Herefordshire & Ludlow College Dashboard reCAPTCHA demo: Simple page
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This website has been designed specifically for 1920:1080 pixel display resolution monitors (FHD). Unfortunately this results in most reports presenting illegibly on phones and badly on tablets.

1366 resolution monitors are hard work on the eyes.

Low display resolution monitors are okay but for desktop work stations the price point benefit is really not worth it. That said, low resolution monitors work okay but require a 75-67% zoom out to present the tables reasonably well.

Site Visitors' Display Resolutions

  1. 1920x1080 FHD
  2. 1024×768 XGA Introduced in 1990!
  3. 1440x900 WXGA+ Prevalent in 19" displays
  4. 1680x1050 WSXGA+ Prevalent in 22" displays
  5. 1366x768 HD
  6. 1280x1024 SXGA Prevalent in 17" & some 19" displays
  7. 1536x864 (1920x1080 FHD local driver reporting error)
  8. 1920x1200 WUXGA Prevalent in expensive 15" & 17" laptops and in 23"-27" displays

The benefit of designing the layout for Full High Definition (FHD) is to present multiple column data tables. With 450 Colleges on the Y-axis, the X-axis is crucial in presenting full reviews of data, especially for variable length data such as team names and email addresses.

FHD desktop monitors are all priced reasonably and a new Asus, Acer, Lenovo or HP FHD laptop or Chromebook starts at £270.

College Dashboards
