June 2020 University Marketing Faculties Reporthttps://www.collegewebsites.ac.uk/general-reviews/university-marketing-faculties I have completed a review of the digital content published by or featuring UK marketing academics, and have published the results. These are the results and hyperlinks to each of the sections:
Full sectorwide mapping of the digital content featuring marketing academics has equipped me to provide some useful guidance to faculty-led content development projects at my own institution. The data is implicitly critical but this is only because first review reports will show poor performance almost every time. Despite the implied criticism of this report, it is certainly not meant to be explicitly critical. In fact this type of sectorwide mapping exercise has oftentimes stimulated positive responses and should only be taken as a starting point for longitudinal comparisons between current and future, fully developed, digital profiles. My hope is that this report can also stimulate serious curriculum development. Really all marketing students should be setting up commercial website hosting accounts (£30/year), building websites (£10/year), integrating business tools (free), publicising the offer and analysing its performance (free), and presenting live performance dashboards to tutors (free) as either a first year module or as an enrichment provision extended to all other students. These powerful, industry standard digital tools, their costs, and the digital skills to use them are all straightforward to teach, to learn, to employ and, in their turn, to direct and to line manage. Please contact me about this report via website chat, by phone directly, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This project has taken five months to complete and there will certainly be some omissions and inaccuracies. Feel free to forward instructions to resolve any issues identified with this report. |
- Jed Keenan
- University Marketing Faculties Report
- Hits: 2990