I'm a CEO and Principal in the skills and education sector, leading the fantastic Bournemouth and Poole College in Dorset. Our College serves thousands of students and hundreds of employers each year, delivering technical skills up to degree-level, which enable people to move into great careers; and business and the public sector to recruit the skilled employees they need. Our focus on personal development, support and guidance, means that our students are also helped to develop empathy, resilience and the skills of working with others. I strive to balance strategic leadership with attentive, authentic and honest leadership practice, which values the input and ideas of every colleague, but drives ambition and high standards. I'm absolutely passionate about, and thrive upon, seeing the successes of my colleagues and particularly of those who we serve. I'm responsible for strategy: working with the Board, Executive and Strategic Leadership Team to create it, then leading delivery of it. I work with and champion the efforts and ingenuity of colleagues, and build strong and attentive relationships with our community, businesses, stakeholders and partners. Delivering the strategy involves creating a balance between providing excellent service provision, which meets local and regional needs, careful financial management to make the best and sustainable use of the resources available to us, and the ambition to seek new opportunities to serve those we can help. I have experience in a number of Non-Exec, Director and Trustee roles, and have worked on and with governance boards for over a decade. I maintain a strong awareness of public policy, business and the economy, so I can ensure our organisation is responsive to change.
Diane is Principal & Chief Executive of Bournemouth & Poole College having previously been its Vice Principal Finance. Altogether she has twenty-three years’ experience of senior management in the further and higher education and skills sector. She is active in strategic skills planning within Dorset and is a member of the Dorset LEP Skills Board. Bournemouth & Poole College is a large general further education college with approximately 10,000 enrolments per annum. It offers a wide range of vocational and professional education for young people aged 16-18, apprenticeship training, adult skills training and higher education. Diane originally qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant and she gained an MBA (Masters in Business Administration) in 2002. She has worked in both the public and commercial sectors. |