The Chief Executive Officer is accountable to the Trust Board for school improvement and the academic performance of all the academies in the Trust. He is responsible for supporting the Trust Board in formulating and implementing the strategic plan and ensuring the Trust’s vision and values are consistently applied in all its academies. The CEO is a successful and highly experienced leader, manager and teacher, with a track record of achievement in senior roles in education. While one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors he led inspections of a wide range of post-16 educational providers. He retains his links with Ofsted and is a practising inspector in addition to his current duties. As a result of his wide experience, he has extensive knowledge of what works (and how) and what doesn’t (and why) in education.
The CEO is also the Principal of Rochdale Sixth Form College which is a beacon of excellent practice in education. As an Ofsted outstanding provider, the college has been ranked as one of the most consistent colleges in terms of A level progress in the country. The college has an excellent track record for disadvantaged pupils (e.g. level 3 progress data 18/19: +0.26) and has been instrumental in improving the life chances of young people in the borough. The CEO also has a high profile in the local community and works closely with a wide variety of stakeholders to improve education and tackle disadvantage. Examples include primary and secondary schools, the local FE college, the local authority and local businesses.