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Addysg Oedolion Cymru

2019 Full Inspection Report
  1. Address the safeguarding concerns raised during the inspection
  2. Improve the rigour of self-evaluation processes and planning to ensure that all areas for development are identified and fully addressed
  3. Improve the ways in which tutors can share practice and resources
  4. Improve support for learners with additional learning needs

2015 Full Inspection Report

In order to bring about the necessary improvements in a timely manner, the institution should:

  1. improve standards in essential skills;
  2. increase the number of measurable targets in the essential skills action plan and monitor them effectively;
  3. improve the focus on impact in strategic planning to enable better evaluation of activity;
  4. complete the unified SAR and ensure it includes progress against previous recommendations where these are still applicable;
  5. improve the links between the outcomes of teaching observations and the staff development programme to ensure that the quality of all teaching is at least good; and
  6. improve the tracking of learners’ progress onto other education, training or employment.

Report Recommendations