What does Bexhill College need to do to improve further?
- Continue to develop teachers’ skills to make better use of a range of teaching methods, in order to increase the proportion of good or better lessons and improve students’ progress and outcomes.
- Ensure that self-assessment across all subjects is consistently evaluative and leads to specific and detailed targets, to bring about continuous and sustained improvement.
- Continue to develop the skills of curriculum managers in order to achieve the ambitious college vision and meet high aspirations for students.
- Fully implement the college’s strategy for interactive technologies and their use to improve teaching and learning further.
- Share best practice in the promotion of equality and diversity in the curriculum to ensure all students are well prepared for life in a diverse community.
- Link tutorial activities more closely to the content of students’ programmes to make them more relevant and meaningful for students.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- low retention rates on many courses
- low success rates on work-based learning programmes
- the quality of teaching and learning
- the underdeveloped strategic planning of the curriculum
- the ineffectiveness of self-assessment to secure improvements
- the underdeveloped analysis and use of data by staff at all levels to drive improvements
- the consistency of quality of provision and middle management.
What should be improved
- retention rates at level 3 for students aged 16 to 18
- overall pass rates at level 3 for students aged 16 to 18
- reliability of students' achievement data and its use by curriculum staff
- poor accommodation
- insufficient provision at levels 1 and 2
- use of ICT in teaching
- key skills and general studies provision.