What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Raise learner achievement and success rates by further improving teaching, learning and assessment through better planning of learning and strengthening of individual target setting to challenge learners.
- Further develop the use of management information and data, refine their presentation and ensure the timely supply of information from subcontractors, to enable better decision-making.
- Strengthen the use of information learning technology (ILT) by building on existing effective classroom practice and improving access to it in community settings.
What does Suffolk County Council (‘the Council’) need to do to improve further?
- Take decisive steps to raise standards, especially in English, mathematics and Foundation Learning, by continuing to monitor rigorously performance across all curriculum areas and taking prompt corrective actions.
- Raise the overall quality of teaching and learning, especially in English, mathematics and Foundation Learning, by continuing to apply:
- rigorous performance management measures for tutors and managers;
- the revised observation of teaching and learning process.
- Ensure that tutors plan learning more effectively to meet learners’ individual needs by:
- making better use of the results of initial assessment to plan learning;
- improving assessment practice so that tutors provide learners with clear and constructive feedback and realistic and achievable learning targets.
- Support tutors in ICT, English and mathematics to develop the confidence and resources to integrate equality and diversity with the curriculum more effectively.
- Further develop the governance and performance management arrangements of the main subcontractor by ensuring that:
- the subcontractor’s board has representatives that can provide it with external challenge as well as scrutiny of self-assessment judgements;
- the board quickly establishes frequent performance management meetings with the subcontractor’s senior leaders to agree development plans and challenging improvement targets.
What does CLSD need to do to improve further?
- Improve success rates for all learners by accurately identifying the reasons for poor performance and taking corrective actions.
- Improve the quality of learning sessions by ensuring that tutors make better use of a wider range of activities that challenge and enthuse all learners.
- Ensure that tutors set realistic, achievable and measurable targets for learners and that they regularly and accurately record the achievement of these targets so that learners understand the progress they have made.
- Strengthen the observation of teaching and learning process to ensure that observers grade lessons realistically and that, where relevant, tutors receive good quality training and development to help them improve.
Key areas for improvement
- Insufficient challenge for many learners
- Limited range of teaching and learning strategies
- Insufficient established processes to recognise and record progress and achievement
- Effectiveness of its strategies to promote equality and diversity
- Insufficient and thorough rigorous quality improvement processes
Key challenges for Suffolk LEA
- strengthen curriculum planning and co-ordination
- improve quality assurance
- use data more effectively
- strengthen the overall co-ordination of equality of opportunity
- develop the consistency of initial assessment and progress monitoring