What does PETROC need to do to improve further?
- Improve success rates on some intermediate-level courses and apprenticeship programmes by spreading the good practice to improve retention and progress observed in other areas of the college.
- Improve the quality of teaching and learning by ensuring that teachers promote equality and diversity issues more consistently in lessons.
- Ensure all students attain the highest possible standards through the use of more challenging targets, both in the classroom and in individual progress reviews, and by involving employers more closely in work-based learners’ progress reviews.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- further developing the use of information and learning technology (ILT) and assessment strategies
- raising the aspirations and achievements of all its learners further.
What should be improved
- some unsatisfactory aspects of students' support
- some accommodation and learning resources which adversely affect learning
- poor planning of schemes of work and lesson plans
- ineffective arrangements in some areas to cover for absent staff.