What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Eliminate the small amount of teaching, learning and assessment that is not of a high standard, by ensuring that teachers:
- set and agree demanding targets with the most able learners that extend their skills and knowledge further
- make effective use of information on learners’ starting points to plan and measure learners’ ongoing progress
- provide learners on ESOL programmes with good opportunities to scrutinise and correct their own work for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
- Ensure that leaders and managers have detailed information on learners’ next steps to inform their planning of the curriculum, by:
- systematically collecting information on the programmes learners choose to follow when they complete their current programmes
- understanding how learners’ current programme choices influence the programme(s) they choose in the future.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Strengthen the provision by improving certain aspects within subject sector areas such as
- improving the attendance and punctuality on a small number of courses in the arts by challenging lateness and absence
- producing more precise and focused targets for learners in some language courses
- reducing the few remaining gaps in achievement on some courses.
Key areas for improvement
- Consistency of the observation of teaching and learning scheme
- Individual learning plans
Key challenges for Working Men's College
- continue to develop strong community and employer links
- improve the proportion of good, or better lessons
- develop the accommodation to meet the needs of learners
- effectively establish quality assurance systems
- improve and refine the quality of data
- develop assessment practices on non-accredited programmes