What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Ensure that strategic planning for adult provision considers local needs by:
- building on existing relationships with the local enterprise partnership (LEP) and local employers to identify local and regional skills gaps
- focusing adult funding on learners who are disadvantaged and least likely to participate in education and training.
- Improve the quality of provision for adult learners by:
- ensuring that staff use accurate records of prior attainment and progress to inform planning of teaching, learning and assessment, including actions to help learners who are not making enough progress
- improving the quality of teaching for adult learners, including those on any distance-learning provision.
What does the college need to do to improve further?
- Improve the teaching of theory in the minority of lessons where the pace is slow and teachers overly direct learners by supporting teachers to use a wider range of strategies that involve learners fully in learning activities. Ensure that all teachers consistently stretch and challenge more able learners including through demanding questioning and targeting of extra work.
- Support learners with additional learning needs to develop their skills and abilities fully as well as promote their progress towards becoming independent learners by ensuring that clear and precise objectives are set in their individual learning plans. Make sure that teachers, learners and support staff work closely together in reviewing progress towards meeting these objectives frequently.
- Monitor performance and evaluate learners’ outcomes more effectively by ensuring that data used in reviews of performance and self-assessment are sufficiently detailed. Make sure that managers analyse data for substantial and shorter courses, learners’ progress and their destinations, and the performance of groups in order to inform a fuller and more sharply focused evaluation of learners’ success.
- Increase the rigour of lesson observation to ensure that the evaluation of learning is accurate and meaningful. Review and simplify the criteria for observing lessons to ensure these focus on the impact of teachers’ practice on learning. Improve the quality of observers’ feedback so that it is unequivocal and focuses on learning.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- low success and progression rates for learners aged 14 to 16
- low success rates for Black African learners
- inconsistent effectiveness of the moderation of lesson observation outcomes
- ineffective target setting and reviews for some learners
- insufficiently critical self-assessment.
What should be improved
- pass rates on many courses
- the achievements of learners in work-based and franchised provision
- the co-ordination and evaluation of some cross college functions.