What does the school need to do to improve further?
- Continue to share the outstanding practice which exists in teaching, learning and assessment, particularly in providing challenge for the cohort of students identified by the school as ‘most able’.
- Further develop students’ speaking skills.
What does the school need to do to improve further?
- Further raise achievement and make students’ progress more rapid by:
- continuing to make sure that students of all abilities are fully stretched and challenged in every lesson, including the most able
- ensuring that work is always matched to individual needs and starting points.
- Ensure that all teaching is good or better by:
- building on the good professional development practice in the school
- making sure that all teachers are familiar with outstanding teaching strategies and how to use them.
What the school should do to improve further
- Improve lessons by ensuring all students are challenged by their work, particularly the more able.
- Improve the progress made by students in English and mathematics.
- Use data more effectively to measure overall performance, particularly in the sixth form.
What the school should do to improve further
- Raise standards throughout Key Stages 3 and 4.
- Raise achievement in Key Stages 3 and 4 by providing more challenge in teaching and by encouraging students to think for themselves and learn independently.
- Improve students’ ability to speak and write fluently.