What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Increase the proportion of outstanding teaching and learning by:
- ensuring that teachers’ planning focuses more explicitly on what students need to learn and how they will develop their knowledge and understanding through the planned activities
- making better use of questioning in lessons to challenge all students and extend their knowledge, so that they make the best possible progress
- sharing existing best practice in providing detailed assessment feedback and setting students more precise improvement targets, so that they all know what to do to improve their work and achieve higher grades.
- Implement fully the plans to ensure that students’ functional skills in English and mathematics are developed fully on all courses, and that those re-taking
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- retention rates on some national diploma programmes
- the consistency of the quality of tutorial processes
- the quality of target setting on individual learning plans
- the rigour of evaluation and target setting in course reviews.
What should be improved
- attendance and punctuality
- retention rates of students aged 16 to 18
- standard of students' observational drawing skills
- the amount of good practice in teaching
- the quality and consistency of personal tutorials
- the setting and monitoring of targets for individual students to secure improvements.
What should be improved
- retention rates on many courses
- quality of some teaching
- governors' overview of the academic performance of the college
- quality assurance and monitoring of the curriculum
- target setting and action plans aimed at raising standards
- co-ordination and management of the curriculum
- computer resources and access to them for some design students
- monitoring of students' attendance
- match of students to levels of study.