What does Hopwood Hall College need to do to improve further?
- Embed and accelerate year-on-year improvement in success rates so that variability in achievement and retention on some courses is tackled. In particular, improve the use of data by some curriculum managers so that they are used more sharply and precisely to evaluate learners’ progress. Improve attendance to lessons across all courses.
- Review and develop target setting and the recording of progress across all curriculum areas and in tutorial provision. Ensure that targets are sufficiently clear, time referenced and achievable so as to meet individual needs. Ensure that the recording of progress clearly states the advances made.
- Develop links between curriculum areas and employers so as to improve opportunities for learners and to develop curriculum options further.
- Improve the gender and ethnic balance of staff and governors to reflect more closely that of the community and learner profiles.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- low pass rates on level 3 courses
- poor framework achievements of apprentices on work-based learning
- the quality of lessons so that more are good or better
- the use of ILT to support learning
- individual target setting and review of learners’ progress
- poor quality accommodation and resources in some areas
- improve further the rigour of quality assurance to drive forward improvements.
What should be improved
- some inaccuracies in management information
- low achievements for work-based learning
- unsatisfactory teaching in hospitality
- insufficient analysis of weaknesses in the self-assessment report
- low pass rates for level 1 courses for adults
- insufficient literacy and numeracy provision
- weak management of key skills.