What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Improve provision for learners with high needs by:
- ensuring that teachers of vocational subjects use the detailed information available to them to plan and adapt activities to meet fully the needs of learners with high needs
- ensuring that learners are involved fully in setting their personal development targets so they make good progress in becoming more independent and self-confident.
- Continue to improve achievement rates in level 2 functional mathematics and on the very small minority of underperforming courses.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Improve the consistency with which teachers reinforce learners’ understanding of English and mathematics so that learners can make quicker progress.
- Develop more effective on-the-job training for all apprentices by planning the provision with employers for the whole apprenticeship programme and ensuring that mentors are present in the workplace to contribute to assessment and provide more guidance for learners between assessment visits.
- Improve attendance by ensuring that all teachers reinforce the importance of good attendance more rigorously.
- Ensure that targets for teachers, which have been agreed through performance review, are clearly related to increasing the proportion of outstanding teaching, learning and assessment.
- Ensure that teachers of learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities receive appropriate training so that they are ready to provide good specialist support for the increasing number of learners with complex needs.
- Promote learners’ understanding and tolerance of diversity within their lessons by sharing more fully the excellent practice that exists in parts of the college.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- low long course success rates on adult ICT courses at the college’s community venues
- ineffective target setting in lessons to meet the needs of individual learners
- insufficient use of data to assess learners’ progress
- ineffective use of data to monitor progression and learners’ destinations
- underdeveloped provision of work opportunities and enrichment activities for full-time learners aged 16 to 18
- insufficiently timely appraisals for all staff.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- low success rates for long courses
- low success rates for short courses over five weeks
- inadequate provision in business, administration and law
- significant levels of satisfactory teaching and learning
- insufficiently critical self-assessment
- ineffective implementation of quality initiatives to improve teaching and learning and low success rates.
- low success rates for adult learners
- low success rates for most learners aged 16-18
- insufficiently challenging teaching and learning
- insufficiently rigorous self-assessment.
- low retention on heating and ventilation level 2
- slow progress by work-based electrical installation learners
- insufficient checks of learners’ written work in theory lessons.
- insufficiently detailed and challenging action plans for learners
- no work experience for full-time learners
- insufficiently critical self-assessment report.
- low success rates on most GCE AS and A level programmes.
- low ESOL success rates
- declining overall success rate on adult courses in 2005/06
- insufficiently clear setting of targets for learners.
Areas for improvement
- Low success rates on A2 Sport and Physical Education
- Retention rates in many full-time courses are below the national average
- Poor achievement in literacy and numeracy
- Insufficient differentiation to meet individual needs
- Inadequate monitoring of initial assessment
- Ineffective systems to collect and analyse data
- Slow progress of framework completions in electrical installation and construction crafts
- Poor attendance in carpentry
- Poor co-ordination of work-based learning
- Poor communication between teams
- Insufficient updating of individual learning plans
What should be improved
- the implementation of quality assurance and internal verification
- the effectiveness of curriculum management across the college
- the pass rates of modern apprentices
- the use of data on students' prior attainments and results for course planning and target setting
- the quality of teaching and learning
- the uptake of literacy, numeracy and language support
- the effectiveness of individual learning plans
- the success rates of adults on level 3 courses
- aspects of accommodation.