What does Salford City College need to do to improve further?
- Improve success rates on AS-level and Skills for Life courses. Ensure that success rates in all subject areas are consistently high. Improve the progress students make on the minority of advanced-level courses where value-added scores are low.
- Improve support and progress review arrangements on employer-responsive provision by the better structuring of literacy and numeracy support, the inclusion of wider welfare issues and better target setting for learners.
- Continue to improve the quality of teaching and learning through sharing good practice and moderating the observations of teaching and learning. Extend the observations of employer-responsive provision to include all aspects of learning.
- Tackle the variability and underdevelopment of quality assurance arrangements in a few areas, including employer-responsive provision, so that they are consistent across the college.
What should be improved
- retention rates on a minority of courses
- poor accommodation at the De la Salle Centre
- the rigour of quality assurance in a few curriculum areas
- aspects of the provision of key skills for students aged 16 to 18.