What does the provider need to do to improve?
- Leaders and managers need to ensure that the course specifically designed for learners with high needs is sufficiently challenging, ambitious and individualised, to meet each learners’ needs.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Raise standards in the small number of underperforming adult courses by ensuring that:
- learners receive high quality advice and guidance
- lecturers set and rigorously monitor targets
- more of the outstanding teaching and learning strategies that are used elsewhere in the college are adopted on these courses.
- Raise the standards of foundation mathematics across the college by improving the consistency of teaching in mathematics lessons. Ensure that lecturers consistently plan lessons that provide opportunities for learners to apply mathematical skills in all subjects that they study.
- Improve lecturers’ confidence to develop learners’ understanding of diversity in society and the workplace so that learners are even better prepared for progression into employment and further education.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- success rates for learners aged 19 and over
- target setting for learners to raise both aspirations and achievement
- strategic development of the curriculum with schools
Areas for improvement
- inadequate framework achievement
- low success rates in 2004/05
- insufficient coordination between on-and off-the-job training
- insufficient progression
- insufficient employer engagement
What should be improved
- achievements on work-based learning programmes and key skills
- pass rates on some courses
- unsatisfactory provision in construction
- much accommodation
- use of information and learning technology (ILT) in lessons.