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Lewisham College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Improve the quality of education for apprentices by:
    • identifying the starting points of apprentices more accurately, so that skills trainers can plan and teach programmes that enable apprentices to develop substantial new knowledge, skills and behaviours
    • developing more effective links with employers so that they are fully involved in the planning of on-the-job training
    • ensuring that managers provide more rigorous scrutiny of the progress that apprentices make in the development of their knowledge, skills and behaviours
    • providing all apprentices with the opportunity to receive careers advice.
  • Ensure that all teachers and learning support assistants have secure knowledge in the subjects they teach and in which they provide support.
  • Increase the attendance of learners at English and mathematics lessons.

2018 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Governors should finalise the reforms to the structure of governance and local boards and ensure that they provide more effective challenge and support to NCG and divisional leaders.
  • Leaders should improve the quality of training on apprenticeship programmes and increase the proportion of apprentices who achieve their qualifications by:
    • ensuring that all apprentices receive an appropriate amount of off-the-job training
    • ensuring that all apprentices are on programmes where they will learn new skills
    • setting targets and actions for apprentices so that they are clear about what knowledge and skills they need to acquire.
  • Leaders should take action to increase the proportion of learners who attend and are on time for lessons.
  • Leaders should implement more precise actions to bring about improvements to learners’ experiences and outcomes and ensure that they monitor the impact of these actions more closely.
  • Teachers should provide more challenging learning activities to learners, particularly those on study programmes, so that a higher proportion make good progress relative to their prior attainment.
  • Teachers should develop learners’ skills in English and mathematics further so that a higher proportion of learners achieve GCSE and functional skills qualifications in these subjects.
  • Staff should increase the proportion of learners who attend external work placements as part of their preparation for employment, particularly at Newcastle College.

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Integrate fully the recent changes in management and teaching, learning and assessment to improve the quality of provision and the achievement of learners, especially in English and mathematics. Ensure that staff provide demanding work for learners, especially those who are most able, so that they achieve better than expected from their prior achievements.
  • Ensure that learners on A- and AS-level courses at Newcastle Sixth Form College make the progress expected based on their starting points.
  • Develop further the current strategies to improve attendance across all divisions, so that more learners attend their classes regularly, especially for English and/or mathematics classes.
  • Improve the management of the apprenticeship programme to ensure that all apprentices receive regular and frequent assessment and detailed tracking of their progress by their assessors to ensure that they all complete qualification requirements within their planned timescales.
  • Take appropriate action to ensure that the quality of provision at West Lancashire College improves so that learners across the divisions enjoy the same good level of experience.

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does NCG need to do to improve further?
  • Improve both success rates and the progress that learners make in the minority of areas where there is weaker performance, through more rigorous monitoring of learners’ progress towards meeting clear and specific targets for achievement.
  • Develop, through stronger performance management, quality assurance and staff training, greater consistency in the quality of tutorials, progress reviews and the use of electronic individual learning plans, so that all learners enjoy equally strong support and guidance to achieve to their full potential.
  • Improve the effectiveness of self-assessment by taking a more self-critical approach to comparing the effectiveness of provision against all available and appropriate performance measures.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Area for improvement

The college should address:

  • success rates on a minority courses.

2004 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • lower than expected achievements of GCE students on some courses, in relation to their incoming levels of attainment
  • inconsistent application and use of individual learning plans.

1999 Full Inspection Report


Report Recommendations
