What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Increase the proportion of outstanding lessons through meeting the learning needs of all students and by improving their motivation. Ensure that all students are fully engaged in learning and progressing well.
- Use the full range of information about students, including initial and course assessment, to plan activities, which meet their individual needs. Ensure that all students have the language, literacy, numeracy and personal skills to participate fully in planned activities to achieve their potential.
- Monitor students’ progress and achievement consistently across the college so that staff identify promptly those at risk of non-completion or underachievement and provide the appropriate support or curriculum. Senior managers should support middle managers to ensure consistency in standards across all subject areas.
- Research and identify the reasons for the underachievement of male students and put in place the appropriate measures to raise their achievement.
- Share the good practice in teaching teams especially in engaging students in teaching and learning, the use of information learning technology and the virtual learning environment, and promotion of equality and diversity in lessons. Learn from best practice within the further education sector particularly in relation to the needs of students on vocational programmes.
- Strengthen and implement fully the revised arrangements for management of the performance of staff including the observation of teaching and learning. Use data and information better to set targets for improvement, which are more challenging.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- the rate of improvement of success rates on courses at level 3
- insufficiently detailed monitoring and evaluation of teaching and learning
- some unsatisfactory accommodation and inadequate social space.
What should be improved
- retention rates on level 3 courses
- spaces for students' social activities
- some accommodation
- facilities for drop-in ICT
- self-assessment in some areas.