No areas of improvement
What does name of Woking College need to do to improve further?
- Ensure that all lessons provide stretch and challenge to the more able students to enable them to achieve higher grades and reach their full potential.
- Ensure that lessons in underperforming courses interest and motivate students so that they make better progress compared with their prior attainment and achieve at least their expected outcomes.
- Work closely with departments and subject teachers to ensure that the promotion of equality and diversity is embedded consistently in teaching and learning.
- Develop further contacts with employers to enhance the college’s employer engagement strategy and the comprehensive provision of work experience opportunities for students.
- Ensure that a record of complaints is formally reported to the corporation in order that governors can monitor actions to remedy any complaints.
- Ensure that all quality assurance processes in departments are implemented to a consistently high standard to promote continued improvement in the quality of provision.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- low success rates on level 1 for 16 to 18 year olds and on A level courses
- the low proportion of learners achieving high grades even though value-added is good
- the use of performance indicators to raise standards
- further development of teaching and learning to support individual learning needs
- weaknesses in the college’s arrangements for judging the quality of teaching
- the rigour of self-assessment through the more effective use of data
- further engagement of employers.
What should be improved
- low pass rates on level 1 and level 2 courses
- low pass rates and poor management of key skills
- some aspects of quality assurance
- poor take up of additional learning support
- teaching to meet the differing needs of students.