What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Rapidly improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in the small minority of subject areas where performance is not yet to a sufficiently high standard by ensuring that:
- leaders and managers focus on improving the performance of the few teachers who have not yet enabled students to achieve the high grades of which they are capable
- teachers plan a broad range of activities and tasks that meet the different ability levels of students and challenge them to excel.
- Ensure that teachers reinforce routinely the use of subject-related mathematics in lessons to enable students to improve their mathematics skills through regular practice.
- Urgently improve attendance on discrete English and mathematics courses, so that students develop these skills, achieve their qualifications and are better prepared for their next steps.
- Ensure that the tutorial programme meets the needs of all students and challenges them to improve their personal and social skills effectively.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Ensure that the revised observation process accurately identifies areas for development by better management of staff performance and development.
- Share best practice internally and externally in planning lessons to ensure that all students are stretched and challenged to achieve their full potential, and consider piloting research and supported experiments to identify good practice in this area.
- Improve monitoring and moderation of the quality of feedback on marked work to ensure all students receive feedback which enables them to improve and to achieve high grades.
What does East Norfolk Sixth Form College need to do to improve further?
- Continue to scrutinise and monitor closely the reasons for underperformance ensuring all students, particularly the most able, are stretched through lessons. Share the best practice in teaching and in written feedback that exists in the college in order to improve success rates, high grades and increase the progress made by students.
- Improve the rigour, consistency and formality of governors’ monitoring of the college’s work, particularly relating to finances and equality and diversity, by following a detailed annual business cycle; and by reviewing all governance procedures to ensure governors can discharge effectively their supervisory role.
- Ensure consistency in the planning and monitoring of equality and diversity across all aspects of the college’s work, by strengthening management arrangements to secure coherence and formality; increasing the planned promotion through the curriculum and sharing best practice and ensuring all targets to promote equality are precise and measurable.
- Improve the effectiveness of all quality improvement plans by ensuring they are measurable, specific, sufficiently ambitious, and time bound; by ensuring a fully critical approach in all areas of the college and by reflecting on whether actions and targets identified are a credible measure to remedy weaknesses.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- low success rates on some courses
- the provision of support for literacy and numeracy
- the monitoring of the effectiveness of support
- some poor accommodation e.g. mobiles.
What should be improved
- group tutorial arrangements
- expansion of foundation and intermediate provision in some subjects
- support for adult learners
- accommodation and resources for some curriculum areas
- use of ICT in some classrooms and laboratories.