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Wirral Metropolitan College

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Rapidly increase the proportion of apprentices who complete their programme by their planned end date by:
    • ensuring that the college has reliable systems for checking apprentices’ progress, thus enabling effective action to be taken when apprentices’ progress is slow
    • taking into account apprentices’ prior knowledge and skills when planning learning and training to enable apprentices to acquire new skills and knowledge at a level of which they are capable
    • setting apprentices clear, detailed targets and ensuring that reviews are thorough and accurate so that apprentices know what progress they have made and what they need to improve further.
  • Improve further the English and mathematics skills of students, apprentices and trainees by planning lessons and activities which take into account the levels they have already reached in these subjects to extend their learning.
  • Improve the proportion of students who achieve GCSEs in mathematics and English at grades A* to C and 9 to 4.
  • Use the information on students’ starting points to plan lessons that enable all students to make the progress of which they are capable, in particular for the most able students and those on 16 to 19 study programmes at level 3.
  • Ensure that all students and apprentices have a good understanding of the risks associated with extremism and radicalisation.

2015 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Significantly increase the proportion of learners and apprentices who stay to the end of their programmes and achieve their qualifications by:
    • ensuring that teaching and learning consistently challenge and motivate learners and apprentices, and meet their individual learning needs, particularly in weaker areas of the provision and including on English and mathematics courses
    • helping learners, particularly on study programmes, to develop a positive attitude towards improving their English and mathematical skills and to understand the importance of these skills for their future study and employment
    • quickly improving attendance on all programmes.
  • Rapidly increase the progress that learners make from their starting points by:
    • setting challenging targets for learners based on an accurate assessment of their starting points
    • monitoring closely the progress that learners make towards achieving their targets so that learners know what they have already achieved and what they still need to do to achieve their qualifications.
  • Improve the self-assessment process by:
    • ensuring that leaders and managers make effective use of data about learners’ progress and achievement and evidence about the quality of provision to evaluate the quality of provision fully and accurately
    • identifying specific and challenging actions for improvement based on a more accurate self-assessment and monitor progress towards their achievement closely.
  • Improve the accuracy of the process for evaluating the quality of provision by ensuring that lesson observations focus fully on the impact of teaching, learning and assessment on learners’ progress.
  • Set challenging targets for teaching staff to improve weaker aspects of their practice as identified through lesson observations and data about learners’ progress and achievement.
  • Monitor closely the performance of teaching staff and take action quickly to improve performance where necessary.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Wirral Metropolitan College need to do to improve further?
  • Continue to improve retention rates at intermediate level for students aged 16 to 18 by further developing and implementing the retention strategy.
  • Improve tutorials by better monitoring of tutorial activities and better academic monitoring and target setting for students.
  • Increase the proportion of outstanding teaching and learning by further developing the observation process.
  • Bring together self-assessment reports, development plans and strategic plans to ensure a more coherent approach to improvement.

2007 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • poor success rates on a significant number of courses for learners aged 16-18 years old between 2003 and 2006
  • poor key skills achievement
  • a lack of variety in teaching and learning methods to meet the needs of all learners
  • the setting and monitoring of challenging targets to ensure learners make optimum progress
  • unevenness of performance and impact across the college of quality assurance procedures.

2004 Re-Inspection Report


2002 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved?
  • teaching in some areas
  • poorer pass and retention rates
  • consistency and rigour of quality assurance
  • curriculum managers' confidence in the college's data on students
  • students' attendance and punctuality in some areas.

2000 Full Inspection Report


Report Recommendations
