What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Update the Information Technology (IT) strategy and policies to help ensure that all learners understand how to keep themselves safe online, and that tutors use IT more effectively and reinforce its appropriate use during lessons.
- Ensure that managers take prompt action to address underperformance in key areas including:
- communication between learning support workers and tutors
- the structuring of the employability programmes to better meet individual needs.
- Tutors should plan lessons more effectively to ensure that:
- appropriate high-quality resources are available
- they take into consideration individuals’ learning goals as well as the aims of the qualifications
- they are aware of the strategies to use with learners who may need additional support to overcome barriers such as dyslexia or lack of confidence.
- Analyse and use data more effectively to ensure that the self-assessment report is more evaluative and less descriptive.
- Increase the diversity of people on the advisory board to ensure that learners’ and community views are fully represented.
What does New Directions need to do to improve further?
- Ensure that all learners have clear, personalised learning targets and individual learning plans are used consistently well in order to improve achievement and success rates.
- Use the feedback and information collated during the self-assessment process more critically in order to produce a self-assessment report which is more judgemental.
Key areas for improvement
- Attendance and punctuality
- Ineffective use of management information at all levels
- Assessment, monitoring and recording of learners’ progress
- Updating on equality of opportunity and safeguarding
- Curriculum management
Key areas for improvement
- Success rates in accredited provision
- Curriculum management
- Understanding and use of management information system
- Initial assessment and target-setting for learners
- Arrangements for using recognising and recording progress and achievement (RARPA) effectively
- Proportion of good or better learning sessions
- Performance management
- Use of information learning technology
Other Improvements Needed
- further development of internal and external partnerships
- more detailed lesson plans
- further develop information for pre-course information and advice
- strengthen management arrangements
- more effective recording of learners
- progress and achievement ï better professional support for part-time tutors
- further development of external partnerships
- better use of community languages in resources and promotional materials
- better understanding of the pattern of provision that would best meet learnersí needs