What does the provider need to do to improve?
- Ensure that all teachers on adult English and mathematics courses plan a sufficiently demanding curriculum that challenges learners to achieve high grades in their qualifications.
- Ensure that the curriculum for apprentices, particularly those in engineering and health and social care, develops their knowledge, skills and behaviours quickly.
- Ensure that adult learners on English and mathematics courses and apprentices in engineering attend their courses regularly.
- Ensure that learners and apprentices develop a good understanding of radicalisation and extremism and how it applies to them.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Increase success rates across those courses currently underperforming by:
- maintaining and accelerating the focus on improving retention
- continuing to improve attendance rates
- ensuring that in all subjects the more-able students receive sufficient challenge to enable them to meet their full potential.
- Further develop the sharing of good and outstanding practice so that innovative approaches observed in areas such as health and social care and performing arts are spread to all areas and are used to enhance teaching further. In doing this ensure that the small minority of provision which requires improvement benefits from teaching which is consistently good or better.
- Ensure developments in quality assurance are fully embedded in all areas so that the pace of improvement does not drop.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- success rates on short courses
- the use of individual learner targets in some areas
- arrangements for setting and monitoring course targets
- shortcomings in the range of enrichment opportunities
- employer links in a few areas.
What should be improved
- achievements in, and the integration of, key skills
- pass rates in some GCE AS and A-level subjects
- some inappropriate methods for diagnosing literacy and numeracy
- support for part-time students
- provision for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities
- some unsatisfactory provision for literacy and numeracy
- use of management information in a few curriculum areas.