What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Make better use of learners’ destinations data to ensure that the success of all learners is identified accurately and celebrated.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Continue to improve learner outcomes by ensuring:
- all tutors set learners clear and achievable personal learning goals, plan and deliver for individual learning and record their progress and achievements systematically
- learners’ portfolios, especially on English and mathematics courses, are moderated frequently to ensure that slow progress by learners is identified swiftly and rectified.
- Increase the proportion of the sessions which are outstanding by:
- sharing the best practice in teaching, learning and assessment across all courses
- ensuring tutors are confident and skilful enough to integrate successfully the development of learners’ English and mathematics skills in teaching, learning and assessment
- ensuring tutors always provide written feedback, which is detailed, and guide learners on how they can improve.
Key areas for improvement
- Incomplete aspects of quality assurance
Key challenges for Women's Technology and Education Centre:
- continue to develop and further improve the quality of the provision
- improve the use of data to help enable improvement
- further implement quality assurance processes
- implement skills for life training throughout the provision
- achieve and maintain a balance between enthusiasm and pragmatism in developing the provision