What does the provider need to do to improve?
- Leaders should ensure that learners and apprentices are aware of the enrichment opportunities available at the college to improve participation in these activities.
- Leaders should ensure that teachers of mainstream subjects make consistent use of EHC plan outcomes to plan a bespoke curriculum for learners with high needs that enables learners to develop their independence and the skills they need for work and adult life.
- In a minority of apprenticeship programmes, teachers should improve their sequencing of the curriculum to ensure apprentices develop basic knowledge before learning more-complex topics.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- the low success rates in key skills in 2006/07
- the inconsistencies in target setting for students
- reducing further the proportion of inadequate lessons and increasing the proportion of good and outstanding lessons.
Areas for improvement
- Low pass rates on most full-time courses with no consistent pattern of improvement
- Low added value on GCE AS and A2 business studies
- Insufficient additional learning support for literacy and numeracy for GCE AS and A2 learners
What should be improved
- the quality of curriculum management in some areas
- the quality of teaching generally
- the thoroughness of lesson observations conducted by the college
- the assessment of students' work o the proportion of trained teachers
- students' punctuality and attendance o work-based learning provision.