What does the provider need to do to improve?
- Leaders should improve the quality of education for learners on supported learning courses, so that learners develop an array of new skills, and useful accredited qualifications.
- Leaders should ensure that all learners attend lessons at high rates.
- Leaders should improve the pass rates for learners that take mathematics qualifications.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Stretch and challenge A-level learners more, particularly those who come to the college with high prior attainment, so that more of them can achieve the high grades of which they are capable.
- Provide all teachers with the necessary skills and confidence to help learners improve their understanding of English and mathematics and to promote equality and diversity better through the use of naturally occurring opportunities in lessons.
- Improve the coordination of workplace learning that takes place both on employers’ premises and at the college. Involve employers more effectively in the process of reviewing and developing learners’ skills.
- Provide relevant curriculum managers with the necessary training, sharing of good practice and skills to become more self-critical and to grow further into the role.
What does Tower Hamlets College need to do to improve further?
- Increase the proportion of learners who pass their courses, and the number obtaining high-grade passes, by setting personal targets that are specific and measurable, with relevant actions to improve the standard of learners’ work, and monitor the progress of learners towards these targets more rigorously.
- Improve the quality of teaching and learning to enable learners to make better progress and achieve to their full potential by ensuring that staff:
- share best practice in teaching and learning both within the college and with external colleagues
- use ILT more innovatively [sic]
- plan a wide variety of activities that invove [sic] learners more actively in their learning
- set tasks in lessons that meet the full ability range of all learners.
- Ensure all areas improve at a similar rate by implementing consistent quality assurance arrangements and by further developing the monitoring and evaluation skills of curriculum managers in order to use accurate information for action plans and improvement.
- Enhance the rigour of self-assessment by ensuring the evidence gathered during lesson observations provides an accurate picture of the quality of teaching and learning and by comparing
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- success rates for all groups of students
- the progress of students relative to their prior qualifications and experience
- the proportion of teaching and learning that is no better than satisfactory
- the rigour and the monitoring of students’ individual target-setting
- the level of consistency in the pace of improvement since the last inspection
What should be improved
- the quality and use of individual learning plans
- students' sport and leisure facilities.