What does the provider need to do to improve?
- Leaders should ensure that they rapidly improve the consistency of the quality of education and training that apprentices receive so they all make good progress on their course irrespective of which apprenticeship they study.
- Leaders should ensure that all tutors set specific, measurable and challenging targets for students to achieve so they can aspire to master the knowledge and skills they need to develop their full potential.
- Leaders should ensure that all tutors and skills coaches provide helpful feedback so that students and apprentices know what they have done well and how they can improve their work. Skills coaches should ensure that they routinely involve employers in the review of their apprentices’ progress.
- Leaders should ensure that they continue to monitor carefully the attendance of students and put appropriate interventions in place quickly when necessary.
- Leaders should ensure that all tutors and skills coaches have the necessary knowledge and are confident to teach students and apprentices on how to keep themselves safe from radicalisation and extremism.
What does the provider need to do to improve?
- The college should ensure that actions implemented recently to improve the small number of underperforming courses are effective, and that learners currently on those courses achieve to the same high standard as learners in the rest of the college by the end of the academic year 2013/14.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- some aspects of self-assessment
- unsatisfactory success rates in some areas.
What should be improved?
- teaching in a few areas to fully meet the needs of individuals
- pass rates in NVQ and the retention rate on level 2 courses for adults
- pass rates at GCSE for students aged 16 to 18
- accommodation in three areas
- aspects of work-based learning (reviews, assessment and achievement)
- accuracy of the central management information.