City & Islington College Inspection Recommendations reCAPTCHA demo: Simple page

City & Islington College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Teachers should ensure that learners and apprentices on all programmes receive feedback about their work which helps them identify the areas they need to improve.
  • Leaders should ensure that learners taking vocational qualifications at level 2 and level 3 receive sufficient support to help them prepare for and pass their examinations.
  • Leaders should ensure that the proportion of apprentices who achieve their programme increases.  Leaders should ensure that all apprentices and adult learners benefit from the same detailed information young learners receive around impartial careers advice and guidance, how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improving their understanding of the importance of fundamental British values.
  • Leaders should ensure that learners and apprentices improve their understanding of the dangers associated with people with extreme views.

2020 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and managers should address the variation in the quality of education on different campuses and courses, particularly the weaknesses in the quality of A-level provision. They should ensure that teachers:
    • set consistently high expectations, particularly in relation to attendance, punctuality and the level of learners’ motivation and engagement
    • assess learners’ knowledge and understanding at the beginning of their programme
    • carry out timely reviews, so they can regularly assess the progress learners make over time
    • check how well learners acquire new knowledge and skills, to help consolidate and reinforce what they have learned.
  • Managers and teachers should improve the quality of education on GCSE and functional skills English and mathematics courses for learners aged 16 to 18 so that a higher proportion of learners achieve. They should reinforce to learners the importance of attending lessons for these subjects.
  • Managers should ensure that they alleviate disruptions to scheduling and timetables, particularly in the first few weeks of the course.
  • Managers involved in coordinating the apprenticeship programme should improve communication with employers. They should ensure employers and the apprentices’ managers know about the progress their apprentices make. Apprentices’ managers should play a more central role in ensuring apprentices have the opportunity to acquire and practise newly acquired skills at work.

2011 Full Inspection Report
What does Westminster Kingsway College need to do to improve further?
  • Raise success rates through a more consistent and effective approach to managing punctuality, target setting and tutorials for learners.
  • Raise the standard and consistency of teaching and learning by improving the rigour of the lesson observation system and ensuring that all teachers participate. Use the findings of lesson observations to provide high-quality training where needed.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • students’ poor punctuality at lessons
  • low key skills success rates for college-based students
  • insufficient proportion of good or better teaching and learning
  • ineffective setting and monitoring of individual student targets
  • not enough sharing of good practice
  • slow implementation of plans to tackle areas of poor performance.

2004 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • pass rates for adults at level 2
  • the quality of teaching and learning in some curriculum areas
  • students' attendance and punctuality
  • the use of information and learning technology (ILT) to enhance learning
  • the quality of accommodation
  • access for people with restricted mobility
  • the provision of key skills

2002 Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • teaching and learning in many areas
  • pass and retention rates
  • attendance and punctuality amongst students
  • curriculum management in many areas
  • tutorial provision
  • teaching accommodation
  • access for disabled students at some centres

Report Recommendations
