What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Teachers should:
- share background information on students more thoroughly
- use this information better to inform their lesson-planning and target-setting, and to help support all students to achieve their full potential.
- Leaders and managers should ensure that A-level students, and students taking GCSE mathematics, make suitable progress from their starting points and achieve their full potential.
- Managers and teachers should maintain the focus on the strategies recently adopted to address the gaps in performance between different groups of students, especially between male and female students.
- Managers should review timetables to ensure that rooms have the capacity to accommodate the number of students in each lesson.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Rapidly improve teachers’ skills, confidence and abilities to develop their students’ English and mathematics skills. Ensure that in all subject lessons teachers plan, and use, opportunities to develop these skills as part of study programmes at level 3.
- Focus staff development activities on guaranteeing that all teachers have strategies to ensure that the checking of learning, and feedback to support improvement meet the needs of the students who require the most help.
- Enable the most-able students to make good progress on AS and A-level courses by ensuring that teachers recognise these students’ abilities and set them appropriately demanding tasks in lessons.
- Fully implement plans to link individual governors to curriculum areas so that their expertise is used more effectively to improve the quality of different subject areas so that all students progress and achieve well.
- Rapidly devise and implement plans to engage students fully in the government’s Prevent agenda and implement the existing good practice in the promotion of British values, ensuring that all students explore personal, social and ethical topics in order to face the challenges of life in modern Britain confidently and safely.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Improve teaching, learning and assessment within, and between, subject areas, by identifying and sharing the best practice. This includes the best use of technology and providing a learning experience that enables students with different needs to develop their skills. In addition, across all subjects that they understand fully what they have learnt and can work independently.
- Improve the planning and monitoring of students’ progress and increase the proportion of students achieving qualifications and high grades, particularly AS-level qualifications and highgrades for GCSE English. Ensure all teachers set homework that challenges students to achieve higher grades and provide detailed feedback to help them do better.
- Review the accuracy of judgements on the quality of subject areas. Give due weight to achieving sound judgements on the quality of teaching, learning and assessment, based upon rigorous evidence.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- success rates at level 1 and for adult students
- target-setting in students’ progress reviews
- the integration of opportunities to develop literacy skills across the curriculum
- the systematic evaluation of cross-college processes.
What should be improved
- pass rates on some courses for students aged 16 to 18
- pass rates on courses for adults
- some unsuitable accommodation
- support to meet the needs of less able students on level 2 courses
- some target setting in self-assessment.