What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Increase the proportion of students who successfully complete qualifications in English and mathematics by improving the use of initial assessment to place students on the correct level of study. Ensure that planning for individual students provides a clear pathway to gaining GCSEs at grades A* to C in mathematics and English, where this is a realistic goal.
- Improve the quality of teaching and learning in functional skills lessons and ensure that vocational teachers have the necessary skills to include English and mathematics in their lessons and do so systematically.
- Increase the extent to which staff monitor the progress of apprentices and ensure that interventions for individual apprentices are timely, robust and lead to sustained improvements in performance.
- Increase the proportion of teaching and learning that is good and outstanding by building the capacity of college observers to provide precise guidance to individual teachers on their areas for improvement.
What does North West Kent College need to do to improve further?
- Take systematic and closely-monitored steps to improve the retention of students in those curriculum areas with low success rates for students aged 16 to 18 on advanced courses.
- Improve the success rates, including those achieved in the planned time, for apprentices aged 16 to 18 through closer monitoring of their progress and involving employers more effectively in planning assessment tasks.
- Increase the proportion of good and better lessons by widening the range and effectiveness of the learning activities that teachers use, including those that extend the more able students.
- Ensure that best practice in target setting is shared and used across the college, so that all students have meaningful, appropriate and challenging goals.
- Strengthen the arrangements for gathering and using employers’ views.
- Improve the promotion of equality and diversity in some curriculum areas through better awareness by teachers of opportunities to incorporate examples within their teaching.
Areas for improvement
low success rates at entry level 1 in ESOL.
Areas for improvement
The college should address:
- the proportion of good or better teaching and learning
- use of data to analyse and improve course performance
- quality assurance arrangements
- monitoring of student progress
- management and consistency of skills for life provision
- standards of some accommodation.
What should be improved
- the consistency and implementation of policies
- target setting for raising standards
- the effectiveness of tutorial arrangements
- the impact of quality assurance procedures on standards
- the sharing of good practice across the college
- the proportion of good or better teaching
- retention rates and/or pass rates on many courses.