What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in mathematics classes for adults, so that a higher proportion of students achieve their functional skills qualifications.
- Ensure that teachers of GCSE English and mathematics on study programmes challenge and enable their students to achieve the highest grades possible.
- Ensure that all students with high needs rapidly improve their skills for independence, communication and social interaction. To do this, managers should work with staff to improve target-setting for students’ development of these skills, and the monitoring and recording of their progress.
- Tackle the remaining pockets of low attendance so that all students develop good habits that will prepare them well for their futures.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment by ensuring that all teachers:
- plan and use activities that take account of students’ starting points and prior learning and challenge students so that they achieve their potential
- closely monitor the progress of students in lessons and during their programme to ensure that they provide effective support to those at risk of falling behind
- set high expectations of what students can achieve and support students to make good or better progress
- ensure that students who have high needs make at least good progress in vocational lessons.
- Rapidly improve students’ attendance on study programmes and adult learning programmes.
- Ensure that a greater proportion of students successfully achieve their qualification.
- Improve the development of students’ English and mathematical skills so that a greater proportion achieve their functional skills and GCSE qualifications or improve their GCSE grade.
- Rapidly improve the proportion of students, particularly on vocational study programmes, who develop relevant work skills as a result of high-quality work experience.
- Ensure that teachers capture students’ prior employment skills and knowledge at the start of their programme and use this information to monitor and help students understand their progress in developing the skills and knowledge that they need for work or to achieve their personal goals.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Improve success rates further by:
- making sure all students make better progress in relation to their starting points so that more achieve higher grades
- implementing fully the A-level recovery plan so that A-level students make better than expected progress
- improving the quality of target setting in a minority of subjects so that students and apprentices make faster progress
- ensuring that students aged 16 to 18 on intermediate-level courses receive the right levels of support to help them succeed
- ensuring all students remain in learning, attend lessons on time and reduce their levels of absence.
- Raise the quality of teaching, learning and assessment further by:
- ensuring all teachers use information about students’ starting points to plan learning in accordance with their levels of ability
- making sure all teachers include a range of assessment activities in their planning so that students’ learning and progress are checked in a variety of ways, enabling all to participate
- including the development of English and mathematics skills in the minority of areas where this is not yet sufficiently integrated
- ensuring all full-time vocational students benefit from work placements so that they develop the relevant work-related skills required for their subject area
- improving the quality and frequency of assessment planning on apprenticeships.
- Apply management improvement actions at all levels by:
- managing carefully recovery plans to raise the quality of teaching and learning in underperforming areas
- applying rigorous improvement planning with well-defined measurable outcomes across all action plans
- collecting and analysing students’ progression and destination data to influence course and strategic planning.
What does Wakefield College need to do to improve further?
- Monitor and evaluate the impact of strategies to improve success rates in order to ensure that they maintain, and further improve, the current rates and to address areas where progress is slower.
- Increase the focus of observations in order to improve further the quality of teaching and learning, especially the impact of teaching on learners’ progress and the standards of their work produced.
- Ensure that learners have more specific and challenging targets across all aspects of their learning programme so that staff and tutors can more accurately measure their progress.
- Revise and improve the arrangements for the analysis and evaluation of management information, particularly at course level, to inform actions for improvement. Strengthen the arrangements for monitoring the impact of actions for improvement on learners.
Areas for improvement
The college should address
- low retention rates for some groups of learners
- low key skills success rates
- the small and declining proportion of unsatisfactory teaching
- the low proportion of positive destinations from entry to employment programmes.
What should be improved?
- teaching across the full ability range in some classes
- poor retention rates
- work experience for students and staff
- provision for student involvement in enrichment activities
- accuracy and use of centrally held information on students' performance
- college's financial status