What does the provider need to do to improve?
- Leaders must ensure that they create an organisational culture of high expectations of attendance and punctuality.
- Managers must ensure that they improve achievement rates across the range of qualifications they offer.
- Managers should ensure that they have systems in place to capture and record the qualitative changes in learners’ behaviours over time.
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
- Implement a governance system which includes a wide range of partners, stakeholders, learners and employers and provides stringent scrutiny of, and challenge to, the service.
- Review and refine the data systems used to identify and report on learners’ progress and achievement of qualifications in order to provide a single, unambiguous source of reliable and accurate performance data for senior leaders and managers and improve achievement rates.
- Develop more personalised and specific targets for learners that better reflect their barriers to engagement and potential to participate in learning.
What does CLaSS need to do to improve further?
- Build on the good practice evident in many high performing courses to improve overall success rates on courses for qualifications.
- To contribute to the quality evaluation and future planning of provision, improve arrangements to gather and analyse the destinations and progress of learners when they leave CLaSS.
- Explore ways to share existing good practice in the setting of precise and meaningful targets in individual learning plans, so that learner progress is swift and more easily measured.
Key areas for improvement
- Low retention on accredited ICT and language courses
- Insufficiently prompt identification of learners with specific learning difficulties
- Poor accommodation in some locations